- Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Policy :
- Ethical Buisness Conduct Policy:
- Environmental, Health and Safety Policy :
Tantri Trailers (PVT) Ltd is an equal opportunity organization, which does not condone discrimination. Affirmative action measures guarantee that no employee or job applicant will be discriminated on the basis of race, creed, colour, nationality or sex, whether in employment, recruitment, advertisements for employment, compensation, termination, upgrading, promotions or other conditions of employment.
The provision of a work environment free from harassment is of utmost importance. Tantri imposes a strict zero-tolerance policy for harassment — whether based on an individual’s sex, race, ethnicity, nationality, age, religion or any other legally protected characteristic — on all employees, including supervisors and other management personnel.
Bringing forth complaints of unlawful harassment will not compromise the employment of any person who does so. If an employee of Tantri is of the view that he or she has been harassed on the basis of any of the aforementioned characteristics, they are instructed to make the matter know to the head of his or her department as soon as it is reasonably possible to do so. If that person is unavailable, or the employee is of the view that it would be futile to inform that person, the employee may report the matter to the Human Resources Manager instead. All matters so reported will be looked into directly and corrective action taken where necessary. All such complaints will be handled discreetly and confidentially, subject to the circumstances.
The internal procedure for reporting harassment does not in any way operate to hinder, replace or curb any employee’s right to seek remedies available to them under the law.
Tantri ensures that disciplinary action, including possible termination of employment, will be taken with regard to any employee responsible for harassment within the workplace.
The Tantri Policy of Ethical Business Conduct aims to provide not only Associates, but also those with whom we do business and the general public, with a formal statement of our company’s dedication to the principles and rules of ethical business conduct, which all employees and associates are required to agree with and adhere to. This code is the foundation on which each employee and associate is expected to conduct business on behalf of Tantri. It is the centrepiece of Tantri’s ethical business practices.
The company’s assets may only be used for valid business purposes and for the benefit of the company. The assets of Tantri include, but are not limited to, our physical plants, equipment, inventory, company funds and office supplies. Technologies, concepts, business strategies and plans, financial date and other information relating to our business also form a fundamental portion of our assets. These company assets may not be used unscrupulously for the personal gain of Associates or others. Associates may transfer these assets to others in the ordinary course of business, but not on any other occasion. Periodically, the company may sell assets that are no longer necessary for business to its Associates. However, such sales must always be supported by formally approved documentation by the an appropriate authority, not including the Associate.
Confidential Information
In the course of business, employees and associates may have access to confidential information regarding Tantri, its customers, suppliers and competitors. Until and unless pertinent information has been made public, such information is not to be disclosed to coworkers or Associates for any reason except in accordance with established corporate procedures, including confidentiality agreements when appropriate. Confidential information obtained on the job may not be used by Associates for financial gain by trading securities or other personal financial transactions. Information or data on products, business strategies, company manuals, material processes, systems, procedures and financial data, etc. fall under the category of “confidential information.”
Where whether or not information is confidential material is disputed, Associates are required to consult with a company officer of director before discussing the information in question with anyone outside the company.
Dealing With Suppliers and Customers
Kickbacks and Rebates
Associates and their families are not entitled to personal kickbacks or rebates as a result of purchases and sales of goods and services. “Kickbacks or rebates” may take many forms, of which direct cash payments and credits are only the most common. Typically, any transaction by which the Associate makes personal gain is prohibited, as such practices are not only disreputable, but — more often than not — illegal.
Often, suppliers from whom our company purchases goods or services also buy goods or services from us. Although this practice is typical and acceptable, any form of pressure to reciprocate with a supplier is not. Thus, it is not a requirement that suppliers buy our products or services in order to become or continue to be a supplier to Tantri.
Associates may offer or accept entertainment, provided that entertainment is reasonable, occurs sporadically and does not involve lavish expenditures. Entertainment offered or accepted must be a reasonable adjunct to a business relationship, and should not be intended to gain favour or influence. Payments of money, gifts, services, entertainment or anything of value should not be offered or made available — whether directly or indirectly — to any government official or employee.
Books and Records
Falsification of Records
The books and records of the company and the public record should be free of fraudulent, false or artificial entries. Alteration of permanent entires in the company’s records is not allowed. Payments and receipts on behalf of Tantri may not be approved or made with the intention or understanding that any part of the payment or receipt is to be used for a purpose other than that described in the documents connected to the transaction. “Slush funds” and similar off-book accounts are strictly prohibited.
Retention of Records
No employee, including the originator of the records concerned, has the discretion to dispose of or destroy the company’s records and files. The retention of certain records, for various periods of time, is required by legal and regulatory practice, particularly with regard to tax, personnel, health and safety, environment, contract and corporate structure aspects. When litigation or a government investigation or audit is pending or imminent, records relevant to the matter may not be destroyed until the matter is closed. Destroying records in an attempt to avoid disclosure in legal proceedings may amount to a criminal offence.
Communications With Competitors
It is not unlawful for representatives of Tantri and those of its competitors to engage in meetings and discussions where appropriate. However, in such situations, it is important that topics such as pricing, production levels, marketing methods, inventories, product development, sales territories and goals, non-public market studies and proprietary and confidential information are strictly avoided. Discussion of customers must always be limited to the exchange of credit information.
As a competitive business, Tantri does seek economic knowledge of its competitors. However, Tantri will not engage in any illegal or improper methods to obtain knowledge such as trade secrets, customer lists, and information about company facilities, technical developments or operation. Further, Tantri will not hire a competitor’s employee in order to obtain confidential information or urge the competitor’s personnel, customers or suppliers to disclose confidential information. No such information will be sought from any competitor’s employee hired subsequently by Tantri.
Intoxicating, addictive or illegal substances are prohibited on Tantri premises, irrespective of whether such substances were used on the job. The use of such substances off Tantri premises may also be subject to corrective action if usage impairs the associate’s job performance, adversely effects the reputation of the company or endangers the health or safety of other associates.
This Business Ethics Policy outlines the manner in which we intend to treat others and the manner in which we wish to be treated. Disciplinary action — including possible termination of employment — will be taken upon any failure to adhere to this policy, including failure to report any violations of this policy, failure to cooperate with investigations of any alleged violations of this policy and the submission of information that is known to be false in response to such alleged violations. If reprisal action is taken against any employee or third party who reports, bona fide, a suspected violation of this policy, any such reprisal actions will be deemed to have violated the policy. It is the responsibility of all managers and officers to ensure that this policy guides the actions of Tantri employees and to investigate any alleged violations of it.
Board of Directors
The Tantri Board of Directors believes management conducts business in conformity with this policy. The Board assures that any wilful violations of this policy will be appropriately dealt with in accordance with the legal rights of individuals and those of the company. Further, the Board will ensure that measures are implemented so as to prevent recurrence of said violations.
TANTRI is devoted to maintaining a clean, safe and healthy workplace and environment. The principles set out in this policy guide all aspects of our business, ensuring that they are carried out in a safe and environmentally responsible manner. It is our belief that these measures taken to improve the quality of the environment in which we live will not only confer benefits on our customers, associates and employees, but also on the public, both now and in the future.
TANTRI management, of all levels, are devoted to — and held account for — the implementation, maintenance, assessment and betterment of the company’s health, safety and environmental schemes.
TANTRI cultivates a culture in which safe, healthy and environmentally-responsible behaviour is the norm. This is achieved by defining, clearly, the responsibilities of all employees. The involvement of employees in these efforts is encouraged.
The preeminent value of all aspects of our business is safety. Our employees, customers and the community are assured of a safe and healthy environment, as safe work behaviour, practices, designs and systems are stipulated at all times.
TANTRI considers the prevention of pollution a key operating objective and endeavours to prevent or reduce the volume of waste generated at the source. Sound engineering practices ensure that adverse ramifications on the environment are minimal. Where waste cannot be eliminated, it will be managed in line with all applicable requirements.
TANTRI adheres to all applicable environmental, health and safety laws. All employees — from the managerial level to the front line — are accountable for adherence to these laws and are obliged to bring forth any issues or concerns that may arise, so that they may be resolved.
The use of natural resources such as air, water, soils and forests by our company is carried out in a responsible manner, so as to aid in the conservation of these natural resources. This is achieved through efficient use and scrupulous planning. An energy resource plan concerned with environmental protection, energy conservation and efficiency will be pursued and conditions that endanger health, safety or the environment will be duly taken care of.
Pollution prevention is an operating objective. We strive to prevent or reduce the generation of waste at the source. Our impact on the environment is minimized through good engineering practices. Where waste cannot be eliminated, it will be managed in compliance with all applicable requirements.
We will responsibly use natural resources, such as air, water, soils and forests, and we will help to conserve these natural resources through efficient use and careful planning. We will pursue an energy resource plan that emphasizes environmental protection, energy conservation and efficiency. We will responsibly address conditions that endanger health, safety or the environment.